don't be shy

Strawberry cake with buttercream frosting. Honey bees. Picking apples in the fall. Chocolate chip cookie dough. Water. Apple juice. Blooming flowers in the spring. Grey kitten. Raindrops. Double rainbow. Soft background music. Double shot of espresso. Crossiant. Taking a plane ride far away. Baking something yummy.

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Meet Elsie

Strawberry cake with buttercream frosting. Honey bees. Picking apples in the fall. Chocolate chip cookie dough. Water. Apple juice. Blooming flowers in the spring. Grey kitten. Raindrops. Double rainbow. Soft background music. Double shot of espresso. Crossiant. Taking a plane ride far away. Baking something yummy.

Strawberry cake with buttercream frosting. Honey bees. Picking apples in the fall. Chocolate chip cookie dough. Water. Apple juice. Blooming flowers in the spring. Grey kitten. Raindrops. Double rainbow. Soft background music. Double shot of espresso. Crossiant. Taking a plane ride far away. Baking something yummy.

Our big three

Strawberry cake with buttercream frosting. Honey bees. Picking apples in the fall. Chocolate chip cookie dough. Water. Apple juice. Blooming flowers in the spring. Grey kitten. Raindrops. Double rainbow. Soft background music. Double shot of espresso. Crossiant. Taking a plane ride far away. Baking something yummy.

value 1


Strawberry cake with buttercream frosting. Honey bees. Picking apples in the fall. Chocolate chip cookie dough. Water. Apple juice. Blooming flowers in the spring. Grey kitten. Raindrops. Double rainbow. Soft background music. Double shot of espresso. Crossiant. Taking a plane ride far away. Baking something yummy.

Value 2


Strawberry cake with buttercream frosting. Honey bees. Picking apples in the fall. Chocolate chip cookie dough. Water. Apple juice. Blooming flowers in the spring. Grey kitten. Raindrops. Double rainbow. Soft background music. Double shot of espresso. Crossiant. Taking a plane ride far away. Baking something yummy.

Value 3


A quote 


"Strawberry cake with buttercream frosting. Honey bees. Picking apples in the fall. Chocolate chip cookie dough. Water. Apple juice. Blooming flowers in the spring. Grey kitten."


Strawberry cake with buttercream frosting. Honey bees. Picking apples in the fall. 

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